Today, HOSW has grown considerably since its inception in 1992 and embraces an inclusive holistic indigenous approach towards sustaining our uniqueness as a contributing global indigenous community.This 'Blog' has been set up for whānau from Aotearoa to receive updates and have the ability to comment on the planning progress for the next HOSW Gathering.

27 August 2007

hoswNZ2010 Project Team

Within the near future I will be inviting a few people on to the 'hoswNZ2010' project team to assist with our planning. This will provide a clear pathway for practitioners, planning and Funder's, users of services and liked mind people and organisations to commit money, people resources and passion to stand united at the opening of the Sixth Gathering in Hawai’i – 3rd September 2010.
This picture was taken at the 2005 Cutting Edge in Dunedin and it’s all smiles from the AoD Taumata, Pihopa Kingi, Nellie Rata, Houpeke & Mere Piripi as they share this special moment with IIC for HOSW chairman Rod Jeffries.

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