Today, HOSW has grown considerably since its inception in 1992 and embraces an inclusive holistic indigenous approach towards sustaining our uniqueness as a contributing global indigenous community.This 'Blog' has been set up for whānau from Aotearoa to receive updates and have the ability to comment on the planning progress for the next HOSW Gathering.

27 August 2007

Kia ora, Aloha, Welcome!

I am pleased to announce the creation of this website and invite you to participate in making this a successful medium as we work towards a successful Aotearoa attendance at the Healing Our Spirit Worldwide – The Sixth Gathering to be held in Hawai’i, 3 – 10 September 2010. This gathering in Honolulu, hosted by Papa Ola Lokahi, will continue the tradition of the HOSW movement, to strengthen and heal indigenous families and communities worldwide.

My role as a council member is to keep our Aotearoa Whanui informed of planning progress and advocate for Aotearoa's view point as the Sixth Gathering is planned.

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